Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are you the reason of your sadness?

“I'm angry!”

“I'm getting irritated!”

“You are just pissing me off!”

“I hate this world!”

Yes, I can read your mind.


Aren't these the most commonly used words by all of us?

Annoyance, anger, enmity, hatred, vexation, stress, irritation and all the other synonyms of sad emotions overpower us all the time.

But why is this so?

Why is there no day in our life when just happiness is all we have on our mind?

Why don't we feel like just laughing crazily and making others laugh with us?

But the vice-versa is always a big YES for us. We want world to cry when we are sad. If we are crying today we swear to make world cry one day.

Don't we. 

Till when will we keep on watering the plant of sadness inside us. Stop it! Stop it now!!

Don't hurt yourself with your own ever growing expectations. Searching for happiness is such a waste of time and energy because happiness is inside you. Just open up your heart and let yourself float in the ocean of exuberance.






  1. Turning out as I can see real SAKSHI....hope to know u better through this....

  2. A smile makes a huge differnce is wat i believe in..b it knwn 1s or strangers smile everytime....even if u r sad just smile n c wat difference it makes 2 us n 2 oders ..truly it can do wonders...
