The 21st Century is just around the corner and with it will come many changes in today's modern society.
Is this what you believe in????
Actually, I also used to believe in it …but not now.
The dream of better society and a better world have been shattered by face of world coming in front of my eyes since past few years.
Last week’s news of increasing cases of Honor Killing, Deoband‘s fatwa against working Muslim women in India and young leaders supporting something as evil as Khap panchayat, made me mourn on ideals Indians are living on.
Out of above mentioned concerns Honor killing comes out to be the worst practice going on. As far as Deoband’s fatwa is concerned, I just feel like who needs a self appointed guardian of Indian Muslim. I really don’t want to give this any more air and the same is what I suggest to others. Further, there is this whole age old practice of Khap panchayat…though I bet nobody knew about it a week before. I realized that Honor killing and Khap panchayat are interrelated topics …so let me unfold them both together.
Just a couple of days back I was reading about an incident where police arrested the mother of Delhi-based journalist Nirupama Pathak on the charges of honor killing. It’s awful to realize that to be young and in love has proved fatal for many young girls and boys, just because this intolerant and bigoted society refused to accept any violation to its strict code of decorum. Many such killings are happening regularly in north India especially Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. These merciless killings are socially sanctioned by caste panchayats known as Khap panchayat and carried out by mobs with the consultancies of family members. The whole concept of honor killing arises from society where women are presumed as vessels of family honor and reputation. In a society where most marriages are arranged by fathers and money is often exchanged, a woman's desire to choose her own husband is viewed as a major act of defiance that damages the honor of the family.
The problem of “honor killings” is not a problem of morality or of ensuring that women maintain their own personal virtue; rather, it is a problem of domination, power and hatred of women who, in these instances, are viewed as nothing more than servants to the family, both physically and symbolically. The problem in the villages is the presence of their own belief system and laws never seems to reach there. The strong presence of a panchayat or informal court that consists of members of the same caste who decide all matters relating to their community is worsening the situation.
It would be wrong to say that honor killing only involves the killing of women. Men are equally victims of this practice, especially when it affects the reputation of a particular caste and community. Many grooms have been killed by the father or the brother of the bride.
Unfortunately, the legal safeguards who should protect women and men from such indiscriminate and unlawful act, are blinded by luster of money and are sitting in their offices just to manipulate the papers of cases.
In my opinion the usual remedy to eradicate such practice, is to make efforts towards sensitizing people on the need to do away with social biases. Also, there should be no escape for those who take justice into their own hands. So far, there is no specific law to deal with honor killings. The murders come under the general categories of homicide or manslaughter. Hence, it becomes difficult to point out the culprit.
There is a strong need for government intervention in this issue. The government needs to enforce strict measures to stop honor killings. There should be a ban on all decisions made by these self appointed courts in the villages because they are taking innocent lives in the name of belief.
Concomitant attention must be paid for meeting basic human needs and solving problems stemming from poverty and illiteracy, as these are often the root of disturbing social trends.
Concluding by quoting the words of a wise man from Amnesty International:
"Change can't happen if it's just people working inside the system; they're overwhelmed. International campaigns and media attention give them some ballast and the ability to say 'Look, the world is watching what is going on here,' and provides support for making change in their own countries."
P.S: This is just my concern over the evil issue. Please, help make society better……share your views .
very well pointed....well one way to stop this-media could play very stronly bringing these issues to limelight which further might enforce the government to make laws against such evil practices..i mean this is outrageous i am feeling awful why nothing has been done on this issue till date!!i must say sakshi everytime u write u just blow my mind...u bring to us such heavy issues which atleast make me think and analyse...thanks dear...u are awsome...u are making me a better person...:-)
ReplyDeleteWe written saki.. Actually this society is gettin more n more worse day by day...
ReplyDeletehonour killing r mal effects of male ego..
others r like dowry killing.. Sexual abuse.. Domestic violence..
We need to raise voice against all these nonsense..
Let thousand flowers bloom in my nation..
Good piece of information... i m thinking to bring my own fathwa to stop all this bullshit fathwa's :)
ReplyDeleteGreat work saki. Well thought and well written. Very apt issue. Keep goin.. :)
ReplyDeleteImportant issue raised ... Three cheers saki for raising the issue which has been centuries old and has always been suppressed due to the male dominating society ... There was a medieval period when women were seen as the idols of respect and every religion preaches to respect women and i have faith in the fact that the progress and prosperity of a nation depends on the basis of how the women in the nation are treated... History defines in every era that wherever status of women is suppressed ,the nation and the region is deteriorated finally .. I pray our india progress and move on the path of prosperity and we should abolish such practices :)... As always my friend saki's blog touched my heart and the memories of a era old issue have been replenished ... Keep it up dear waiting for your next one.... Dr Waseem Ansari :)
ReplyDeletebravo!!!! eveni feel that justice is needed and in order to bring about a drastic change and revolution we need to make an effort on what is right and what not..even if we stand alone against a million but our point is right and justified then we must go ahead and support that 1 person who atleast took an initiative to bring about a change to the society and what i feel is that a lot needs to be done from our part,Its the youth who can bring about a drastic change in the society for the better,if they do their bit.So friends lets join hands and get together to start over a change for the society ,in the society for its better!!!!way 2 go!!!