For some or the other reason we always complain about shortage of time. I have heard people saying, that why there are only 24 hours in a day, they don’t get time for themselves. Well, that is not only a ridiculous statement we hear or say all the time, instead we always have bunch of such statements that we say to prove ourselves innocent and time guilty for all what we miss in life .
There was a time when I was sailing in the same boat, overworked, over scheduled and overwhelmed. My life was in a constant state of upheaval. That was a time when I was in 11th standard and was also taking coaching for engineering and medical exams. I was always so busy, never had time to even sit and chat with my family and friends. I was always irritated and stressed. Then one day my father came up to me and sat beside me, he just kept noticing me and staring me and this was enough reason for my anger to erupt. I shouted with highest of my pitch “What’s the problem with you, I already have lot to do. Please don’t disturb me. Just Go!” After doing so I realized that was wrong and was prepared for a scolding from my dad, but to my surprise he gave me a glass of water and asked me to calm down. He said, “ Let me tell you a story!” I was in no state to argue on this now. So, I sat there and heard his story.
He started. Once there was a high school science teacher who wanted to demonstrate a concept to his students. He took a large-mouth jar and placed several large rocks in it. He then asked the class, "Is it full?”
Unanimously, the class replied, "Yes!"
The teacher then took a bucket of gravel and poured it into the jar. The small rocks settled into the spaces between the big rocks.
He then asked the class, "Is it full?"
This time there were some students holding back, but most replied, "Yes!"
The teacher then produced a large can of sand and proceeds to pour it into the jar. The sand filled up the spaces between the gravel.
For the third time, the teacher asked, "Is it full?
"Now most of the students were wary of answering, but again, many replied, "Yes!"
Then the teacher brought out a pitcher of water and poured it into the jar. The water saturated the sand. At this point the teacher asked the class, "What is the point of this demonstration?"
One bright young student raised his hand and then responded, "No matter how full one's schedule is in life, he can always squeeze in more things!"
"No," replied the teacher, "The point is that unless you first place the big rocks into the jar, you are never going to get them in. The big rocks are the important things in your life ...your family, your friends, your personal growth. If you fill your life with small things, as demonstrated by the gravel, the sand, and the will never have the time for the important things.”
After my dad finished up with the story, he asked me “So, what are the "Big Rocks" in your life?” and left.
This was one conversation with my dad which I will never forget. A short story made me realize importance of prioritizing in life.
I felt that you cannot be in control if you are constantly struggling to juggle events and lists. So guys stop blaming time and learn to organize things in your life. Decide what are“Big rocks” in your life: Spending your parents or your spouse? Taking the seminar or class? Making the time to set goals, plan or evaluate your progress?
When you are hassled because there is no time, remember the story about the Big Rocks and the Jar!
P.S:- Trying story telling for the first time…Hope you will like it….Comments are awaited!!!